The reason I was asked to go to the concert with these guys...they needed a driver. :) I was happy to help them out!
I honestly didn't know what to expect. All I knew is that it was going to be very different from the David Crowder (bluegrass) concert Beth and I were at the night before. I was dead on with this assessment, but not how I expected.
You see David Crowder did a great job of letting his lyrics and beautiful melodies communicate the truth, glory, and splendor of God. All seven of the artist that performed at the Lacrae concert also spoke bold truth in their music, but what challenged me was the way they talked about God in between songs.
Phrases like, "Make some noise for the King!" "Jesus is the greatest!" Chants of, "Jesus! Jesus!" Were commonplace. Calling out premarital sex, calling out drugs and violence, calling out the fact that life can be over any second, calling out lazy living.
Every artist told a part of their story and gave God so much glory the entire time. It wasn't subtly slipped in. It wasn't masked in political correctness. It wasn't baked in dynamic illustrations. It was real. It was life. It was truth. It was joy. It was hope. It was their life. It was their life. It was their life.
When you talked about your life what comes out of your mouth?
Be Bold.
For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.
- Apostle Paul (Romans 1:16)