Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Would God Say 'Shut up!'?

The Sound of Silence
Simon and Garfunkel are the first two things that come to my mind when I think about silence. The second thing that comes to my mind is, “I'm very thankful my last name isn't Garfunkel”. When it comes to being silent, I am a fat, lazy, couch potato. Let me explain.

 The Story
A few weeks back Beth and I were in New Jersey visiting her extended family for her cousin Bryan's graduation (Congrats, Bryan!). Thursday afternoon the house emptied as people went to help set up for Bryan's open house. I stayed behind. 

I sat in an Adirondack chair on their deck with the intention of just being silent before God. Something I don't do very often, but would love to be more disciplined at doing. I quickly learned that being silent is a lot like working out. 

As I sat there, I couldn't focus on listening to God. This was the first time I had stopped to think all week. All of my thoughts from the past week just kept falling into my head like marbles in that game Kerplunk (I think that's what it was called). One right after another. I need to do this. I forgot to do that. I wish I was thinner. 

I wish... 

If only... 



I realized I wasn't listening to God anymore. Because this was my first time stopping to listen to Him, I wasn't ready to fully listen. I had to push myself out of the way first.

Sit down and shut up...please.
I wonder if God gets frustrated like parents do. I wonder if God sometimes has to walk into a different room to keep His cool. Does God often want to grab us by our ear, sit us in a chair, and say, “Would you please just shut up and listen?”

Don't let that give you a tainted image of God, but if it challenges you to improve your behavior knowing that He could do that to you and it would be justified, than let it. 

Learning to listen takes time, discipline, and a strong will to persist


When was the last time you stopped to listen to God? (Don't feel guilty if you haven't, just do something about it.) 

What was it like?

Have you ever set aside 15 minutes a day just to listen? Let's try it this week. Let me know how it goes!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ben then Peter then (Reina, Chris, Joey...)

Unknown Influence
Ben with his family. 
This past Sunday, I was able to see one of the most influential men in my life. I hadn't seen him in years and I don't think he realizes the strong effect he had on my life and many others. 

His name is Ben. He was the worship leader for the youth group I was a part of back in 8th grade. In 10th grade, he lead worship on a winter retreat I was a part of and I will never forget that Saturday night. I came up to Ben after realizing that God wanted me to do more with my life and I told Ben I wanted to learn how to lead worship. 

Seeing Beyond Yourself
Ben responded with, 'Yes!' In that moment, whether Ben knew it or not, he was saying yes to more work for him yes in the short term, but a potentially fruitful reward in the long term. 

Ben taught me how to make copies. How to pick out songs. How to choose band members. How to make sure that the drummer knows that when you pick your right leg off the floor it means you want him to bring the song to a mellow feel. How to lead people in worship of our heavenly Father. 

Next Step
Because Ben was willing to invest in me, I have been able to pass on those skills to several other worship leaders who have come up through the Student Ministries at gracespring. They have been poured into by others as well, but they all have a little reflection of Ben because they have a reflection of me. 

On Sunday, Ben was able to meet Joey (my Music Ministry Mentee or M&M&M) and hear Reina (one of our other worship leaders) lead a band practice. Two very cool moments, eight years in the making. 

Thank you Ben, for being willing to invest in a pimple faced 10th grader. Thank you for being faithful to God's call on your life. 


Who could you invest into?

Who has invested in you that you may need to call, email, or write a thank you note to?

Who do you have investing in you right now?