Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fundamental Life Question

Have you ever read a book about how to be a better leader(manager, supervisor, boss, pastor, etc.)?

Where would you place yourself right now on a leadership scale? 1-10

1 = A total and complete failure when it comes to leadership.
10 = A refined, tried and true leader who knows how to get things done. 

How many of you have ever read a book on following? Or how to be a better team player?

Where would you rate yourself on the followershipness(???) scale? 1-10

1 = I have to be in control and can't stand it when others are and they are doing a terrible job!
10 = I let go of control and do my best to follow the instructions given to me. 

Jesus said at the beginning of his ministry on earth, "Come, follow me..." - Mark 1:17 

Then again at the end,  "As for you, follow me." - John 21:22b

Who are we following?

Follower = a devotee of a particular person, cause, or activity.

 Who is our money devoted to?

Ourselves? Family? The poor? Our neighbors?

Who is our time devoted to?

Ourselves? Family? The poor? Our neighbors?

Who are we really following?

Could it be no one?