Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Leave! (...no seriously.)

It all started when...

This past week I have been reading in 1 Timothy. 1 Timothy is one of my favorite books of the Bible because I relate to Timothy as a young pastor and I envy him for having Paul as a mentor. 

Combine that with the book, 'Too Busy Not to Pray' by Bill Hybells that my church is reading right now and boom goes the dynamite...you have this post. 

the what:

Paul begs Timothy to pray for 'all' the people in his life, direct and indirect. He wants Timothy to pray for the government, random people he comes in contact with, and naturally the people that he lives alongside in his community. 

'All' in the passage is referring to a significant amount of people and yet the greek word (netbible.org) leads me to believe that he is making sure that Timothy knows to pray for them individually. By name, or face, or position, or by authority, or by social status, or by affliction, or by... I don't know about you but I am quickly overwhelmed by this amount of prayer I should be offering up!

the ah-ha moment!

In comes Hybell's book. Early on in the first chapter reminds me that an aspect of prayer is my ability to leave my junk with God. To bring my desires, struggles, fears etc. before His throne and then ask Him to take them. 

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

bringing it home.

Do I need to be spending more time in prayer? Yes. 

Do you? Probably.

Do you have to pray everyday for every person, place or thing? No.

But, when we are overwhelmed by the people, situations, or struggles we are offering up we must remember that Jesus wants us to leave it with Him. Let Him take over. Give Him control. 


who is God laying on your heart to add to your prayer list?

what have you been talking to God about, but not leaving with Him?

thank God for taking the burden off of you and placing on His shoulders. I know I am!

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