Friday, January 20, 2012

Simple Reading Idea for the Married, Dating, or Just Friends!

In year six of knowing each other, we have had more fun and grown closer than ever!
The first year of marriage for Beth and I wasn't bad relationally at all. In fact, it was great! We were very well prepared for the challenges of living with someone else and were extensively prepped on how to handle and resolve conflict that may arise by those who mentored and counseled us leading up to our wedding. We didn't have the, “pure hell” experience that some of our friends did.

But we did struggle to connect on a spiritual level daily. We have been involved at our church and the youth group at Gracespring Bible Church, where I work, since we started dating. But, we have never been great at connecting daily on a spiritual level. It's so easy to get caught up in the business and hurry of life that you barely get time to connect with God on your own, much less with your significant other!

So, after four years of dating and one and a half years of marriage, we have been purposeful about fixing that! We have decided that the best thing for us is to read a chapter of a book of the Bible a day and then talk about it throughout the week. We don't schedule a time or spend more than 10-15 minutes discussing it. But, it has been a huge encouragement to Beth and I. We are connecting in a way that we never have been before.

Again, this is just an idea and different things work better for different people. But for Beth and I, we really enjoy the practical and sustainable. We believe this is both.

Right now we are reading through the book of Nehemiah and we are on chapter 10. After that, we are reading Ezra together.

What kinds of things do you do with your significant other to stay connected spiritually?


  1. At the beginning of the week we agree to look up a topic that we would both be interested in talking about. (Or maybe something that we need to work on.) Like for example trust or anger, what God has to say about it in the Bible and how it applies to our lives. We find ourselves getting into much deeper conversations, and really enjoying ourselves. We do this at the same time each night after the kids are in bed.

    1. I am so sorry I forgot to respond to this comment! I love that you do this with each other and your kids! They are blessed to have you as their parent. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. Love this. Spending time in the Word together every day has become a huge priority for Steve and me as well. One thing we have learned is to do while it we are still very awake :), and to put it before other things we may want to do that evening.
