Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Death was Everywhere...and no one cared(in fact they enjoyed it).

Myrtle Beach has become one of my favorite places ever. Beth and I headed there a few months ago to spend time with Beth's side of the family. Our goals for the week were lay out on the beach, maybe read a book (which we actually did accomplish), and drink Starbucks everyday(did you think we wouldn't accomplish that?).

One morning we were walking on the beach and there were thousands of sea shells that had been left on the shore by the morning tide. We saw dozens of people with their faces looking straight down to the sand to find that perfect sea shell. 

I realized that all these people were finding beauty in something tragic. Everyone of these shells use to be a living creature.  

Now, to be honest, I don't have any emotional attachment to those sea creatures that have met their end. But, what I do know is that the things that we see as beautiful, attractive, enticing, fulfilling, and exciting aren't always(maybe even usually) life giving. Many of them steer the direction of our souls just slightly enough that our pursuit of Christ is off course. 

Ron Kopicko, Chaplain at Spring Arbor University, says this, "The road and gate that leads to destruction is a majestic, trendy and modern looking road and gate compared to the one that leads to life."

Don't get sucked into that attractive deceit. 

13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell[f] is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. - Matthew 7

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Would God Say 'Shut up!'?

The Sound of Silence
Simon and Garfunkel are the first two things that come to my mind when I think about silence. The second thing that comes to my mind is, “I'm very thankful my last name isn't Garfunkel”. When it comes to being silent, I am a fat, lazy, couch potato. Let me explain.

 The Story
A few weeks back Beth and I were in New Jersey visiting her extended family for her cousin Bryan's graduation (Congrats, Bryan!). Thursday afternoon the house emptied as people went to help set up for Bryan's open house. I stayed behind. 

I sat in an Adirondack chair on their deck with the intention of just being silent before God. Something I don't do very often, but would love to be more disciplined at doing. I quickly learned that being silent is a lot like working out. 

As I sat there, I couldn't focus on listening to God. This was the first time I had stopped to think all week. All of my thoughts from the past week just kept falling into my head like marbles in that game Kerplunk (I think that's what it was called). One right after another. I need to do this. I forgot to do that. I wish I was thinner. 

I wish... 

If only... 



I realized I wasn't listening to God anymore. Because this was my first time stopping to listen to Him, I wasn't ready to fully listen. I had to push myself out of the way first.

Sit down and shut up...please.
I wonder if God gets frustrated like parents do. I wonder if God sometimes has to walk into a different room to keep His cool. Does God often want to grab us by our ear, sit us in a chair, and say, “Would you please just shut up and listen?”

Don't let that give you a tainted image of God, but if it challenges you to improve your behavior knowing that He could do that to you and it would be justified, than let it. 

Learning to listen takes time, discipline, and a strong will to persist


When was the last time you stopped to listen to God? (Don't feel guilty if you haven't, just do something about it.) 

What was it like?

Have you ever set aside 15 minutes a day just to listen? Let's try it this week. Let me know how it goes!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ben then Peter then (Reina, Chris, Joey...)

Unknown Influence
Ben with his family. 
This past Sunday, I was able to see one of the most influential men in my life. I hadn't seen him in years and I don't think he realizes the strong effect he had on my life and many others. 

His name is Ben. He was the worship leader for the youth group I was a part of back in 8th grade. In 10th grade, he lead worship on a winter retreat I was a part of and I will never forget that Saturday night. I came up to Ben after realizing that God wanted me to do more with my life and I told Ben I wanted to learn how to lead worship. 

Seeing Beyond Yourself
Ben responded with, 'Yes!' In that moment, whether Ben knew it or not, he was saying yes to more work for him yes in the short term, but a potentially fruitful reward in the long term. 

Ben taught me how to make copies. How to pick out songs. How to choose band members. How to make sure that the drummer knows that when you pick your right leg off the floor it means you want him to bring the song to a mellow feel. How to lead people in worship of our heavenly Father. 

Next Step
Because Ben was willing to invest in me, I have been able to pass on those skills to several other worship leaders who have come up through the Student Ministries at gracespring. They have been poured into by others as well, but they all have a little reflection of Ben because they have a reflection of me. 

On Sunday, Ben was able to meet Joey (my Music Ministry Mentee or M&M&M) and hear Reina (one of our other worship leaders) lead a band practice. Two very cool moments, eight years in the making. 

Thank you Ben, for being willing to invest in a pimple faced 10th grader. Thank you for being faithful to God's call on your life. 


Who could you invest into?

Who has invested in you that you may need to call, email, or write a thank you note to?

Who do you have investing in you right now?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Affirmation: So Powerful

That Moment When...
You know that feeling when you say something and you aren't sure whether or not people are going identify with it? As soon as the last word leaves your mouth, your heart starts racing and you're just praying somebody says something like, 'Yeah, I totally know what you mean' or 'Really? Me too!' or even 'I am so glad you said that!' I have often experienced that nightmare come true. When nobody says anything and finally your wife speaks up to recover your dignity as much as possible. (awkward)

Something We All Want
We all want to be affirmed and we all want to have somebody (usually means more from someone we trust) let us know how appreciated and valued we are because of our thoughts and opinion. 

Give it Freely, Genuinely, and Often!
So often we withhold affirmation because we assume the other people already knows it. If they were smart enough to say what they just said, they must know how great what they said was. The same is true with actions. Affirm without expecting anything in return. Affirm without being worried of seeming redundant.

Don't force it. Be real and genuine with your affirmation as well as your confrontation. People value honesty, especially after the fact.

Don't hold back! Let the affirmation, encouragement, and compliments fly! Our communities, schools, work places, etc. could use a strong injection of kindness. 

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. - Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Who could you affirm today?

How are you going to do it? (Go ahead, put
some special thought into it!)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How, Father? How?

What?? You still blog Peter?

It has been way too long!

Sorry for the absence. I can honestly say that I have missed all of you and have missed sharing the things I am learning with you. I hope you and your family have been well.

A few weeks ago Beth and I headed to Boston and New Jersey to visit some great friends and see family. As we were walking through downtown Boston, I couldn't help but be amazed by the diversity that exists in a city that is only 47 sq. miles. So many different walks of life. So many stories. So many views on education, politics, religion, fashion, and where to get the best plate of fish and chips. 

Every time I travel to a major city I am overwhelmed by the statistical reality that so many people are living without the hope and love of Christ. We traveled to old church after old church and it was so apparent that religion and especially Christianity are considered a thing of the past in modern culture.

Father, how can I make your story come alive?

How can I be a light? 

How can I let them know how much You care? 

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. 
- Jesus Christ

Father, I'm willing.

How do you talk about your beliefs? 

When was the last time you brought up religion in a conversation? What was the result?

Monday, June 4, 2012

What My 'Papa' Has Modeled to Me

Today (June 4) is my father's birthday. He will be...well he's older than 29.

He's the one who's not my mom.

In a world where dad's are often labeled and seen as losers, deadbeats, abusers, lazy, and many other negative things, my dad is none of those things. 


1. Provides Wisdom

Decision after decision in middle school, high school, college and beyond my dad has been a solid rock of perspective that has been a blessing to Beth and I. My heart breaks when I think about the young men in this world who don't have access to that perspective and insight on life. 

2. Models a Loving Husband

Is my dad perfect? Nope. He'd be the first one to tell you that. But, being a loving husband doesn't mean being perfect. It means being patient, kind, unselfish, and faithful. Along with being a provider, defender, and encourager. 

3. Hugs Me

My dad wasn't always this way, but over the past eight years he has become an excellent hugger of his children. When He sees me, one of the first things he does is come up and give me a big hug and ask me how I'm doing. It may seem simple. If you're in middle school or high school reading this, it may seem lame. But, let me tell you that it is one of the greatest acts of love my father exhibits. 

Thank you, Papa. I love you! 

Happy Birthday. 

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Friday, May 25, 2012

An Apology & Memorial Day Options for Families

Yesterday I published a post about having fun this weekend. When I wrote that blog, I wasn't thinking about the fact that it would be read on Memorial Day Weekend. So, I would like to apologize for the fact that it did not include any mention of our veterans or suggestions about how families could remember the sacrifices so many military personal have made and are currently making.

My grandfather served in the Air Force following WWII and my brother-in-law currently serves in the Air Force and is stationed down in Del Rio, Texas. I am fully aware of the sacrifices families have to make for their loved ones to protect this country.

But, what I was reminded of is how I take for granted the freedoms we do have. I honestly believe that the women and men who have died to protect this nation would want us to celebrate those freedoms by taking full advantage of them and have some F-U-N with our friends, churches, or families. But, I also believe it's important for us all to remember and for our children to learn about what it has cost to be free. My guess is that most of your are already teaching your children about the privileges and freedoms they have and for that I say, "Well done!"

Here is a link to the MLive page about what events are happening in the greater Kalamazoo area.


May We Never Forget. 

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


My friend Jim has one of the best attitudes towards life. We love to golf together and even during our worse rounds, Jim frequently reminds me, "It's all about the F-U-N!"

Life gets crazy. Crisis happens. Tragedy strikes. Bills get overwhelming. Children can drive you bounkers.


Here's your permission to go have fun. It's two days before the weekend, what could you do just for fun? What could you plan so that your family can enjoy being together and just have fun? No talk of work, bills, or crazy family drama.

Make this weekend all about the F-U-N!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How Beth and I Fight for Our Marriage

Another one. My heart is shattered. 

This morning I learned of another couple getting divorced. My heart breaks for both the parents and the students when this happens. Nobody wins. 

With this one though I had a difficult time preventing my emotions from overwhelming me. I journaled on my computer a mess of thoughts, feelings, and sleep deprived opinions. Once I calmed down and received some wise counsel from my wife and father, I decided to write this blog. 

Three things Beth and I do to fight for our marriage. 

1. Weekly Dates. 

We don't have any kids, so weekly dates are very realistic. If you have kids, once every other week or once a month may be the rhythm that works for you. 

We enjoy dinner and a movie dates, breakfast dates, and antiquing dates. You may enjoy kayaking dates, walk in the park dates, bike riding dates, ski dates, horseback riding dates, etc. However you both enjoy spending time together, make sure you regularly do it. 

2. Communicate Actively Throughout the Day 

We have naturally done this pretty regularly without having to be purposeful about it, but the importance of it was affirmed to both of us by a married Christian couple. Both of them are previously divorced and the husband cheated on his first wife. Since that time, they both have come to know the Lord, but they are very purposeful about preventing their lives from slipping back into old habits. Daily communication is a key piece of that prevention. Texting, phone calls, emails, Facebook posts, tweets, or whatever else you want to do (married people, feel free to get creative here ;) ). 

3. Pray Together and for Each Other

Prayer is a powerfully intimate experience. I wrote more about that in this blog post. Your marriage is your primary mission field. Marriage is the very representation of us with Christ for eternity. Satan longs to break it up! Ask God to keep Satan far from your marriage. Let God know how deeply you long to see your spouse kept from temptation. Ask Him to show you ways you can sacrificially love your spouse. Pray regularly and deeply.  

There are more things Beth and I intentionally do to fight for our marriage. But, these are practical and very realistic ways to begin your fight today. 

And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of his body, the church. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything.
For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word.
- Ephesians 5:21-26

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Theology - Middle School Style

Wednesday night I was talking with two students about questions they had about the Bible and one of them starting talking about the Trinity. He said that the Trinity was three people who all made up one God. The other student was a bit confused (like we all are!) by this concept, so the first student explained further.

"The Trinity is like if three different people were all playing an online game together and they all had the same username or gamertag. They are three different people, but in the game they are the same person."

So simple.

I haven't done in depth analysis to discover the flaws in this analogy, but Christians spend hours and hours thinking about how to best explain complex spiritual and theological questions. Well, sometimes it may help to just ask a middle schooler. I'm continually amazed at how their minds work.

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sick/Tired of Your Job?

“The milk maid has as honorable a calling as the clergy and the preacher.” – Martin Luther

It’s Monday. Are you frustrated at work? Sick of getting up day after day to do a job you don’t feel appreciated for, aren’t compensated enough for, or you just don’t like it. Yes, being a stay at home mom is included (and probably fits the list above better than anything else). If that’s you, let me shed some new light upon your job.

The apostle Paul in Ephesians gives instructions to masters and slaves. Now, don’t get hung up on the slavery part. Slavery wasn’t racial, lifelong, void of rights, or established by captivity in Paul’s day. Slavery was more of what we would see as a house maid or servant (the servants on Downton Abbey would be a good representation). What Paul is dealing with is the relationship between employee and boss, and Paul says to the employee, “work with all of your heart, as if working for the Lord.” The Greek translates a little more directly and basically says, “…because you’re working for the Lord.”

Your real master, your real boss isn’t the woman or man at the end of the hall or at the top of the building. Your real boss is your heavenly Father. One who gives hope, love, mercy, and grace. A perfect boss.

If we are working for the Lord, our desire as Christ followers should be to stand out in our work place (home, office, traveling, etc.) because we are doing our best work with our best attitude. This doesn’t mean you have to be fake or perfect, but let’s win this battle the majority of the time. You’ll stand out for sure.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

You are the ONE

One of my favorite times of day to read the Bible is first thing in the morning when I wake up. Sometimes this even happens while I'm on the toilet. (Sorry, that may have been too much information.) 

I have been reading through the book of Luke off and on the past few weeks and when I read the parable of the lost sheep, I thought it was cool. But, when I taught on it Tuesday morning at Hutch's Huddle at Gull Lake Middle School, I was in awe of God. 
A shepherd with a very full head of hair. 

In this story a shepherd realizes one morning (it doesn't say it's morning, but like all the other elements I'm going to add to this story, it helps me put myself in the shepherds shoes a little bit more) that he has lost one of his 100 sheep. He double counts again just to make sure, but he really didn't even need to because he knows every square inch of wool on each of his sheep. After counting again just to be absolutely certain, he high-tails it for the mountains near where his sheep are grazing. 

He hikes and searches all morning, all afternoon and into the late hours of the evening. When off in the distance he hears something, it sounds like Gary (in my head that's what he named this sheep). He starts calling out, "Gary? Gary?!" 

He runs a little bit further and the noise gets louder. The shepherd is growing more and more convinced this is Gary. 


The shepherd runs over to Gary, sweeps him up in his arms and throws him over his shoulders (did I mention our shepherd is super-ripped?). 

I realized as I was reading this story during Hutch's Huddle, that this isn't just a reminder about God having a huge heart towards the lost. This is a reminder that God cares about us individually. The God who created the sheep, the mountains, the sun and moon that were on display while the shepherd searched, and even the shepherd himself, cares about YOU. You are the ONE He is willing to go searching for. You are the ONE He is willing to risk His life for. You are the ONE He did die for and wants to have a daily relationship with you


Are you letting God make you ONE of His sheep?

Are you running away from being found?

Are you part of the 99 sheep wondering why the shepherd is wasting His time looking for the lost ONE?

I encourage you to take time out and thank God for caring about you individually. 

I encourage those of you who are believers to ask God to soften your heart for those who haven't accepted the fact that God wants them individually to trust Him. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Here's Me Being Transparent

"The number one reason people 16-40 don't attend church is because they believe it is full of hypocrites." - David Kinnaman, UnChristian Not because we lust, gossip, cheat, or struggle with any other sin, but because we act like we have it all together they can't stand to be around us. On Sunday, my pastor challenged our church to be more transparent. So, here I go.

I am very nervous to write this blog. I have sought wisdom and counsel before publishing it. I fear the judgement that will come from what I am about to say, but, my prayer is that God will use my openness to soften someone's heart and allow them to realize that Christians aren't perfect. I know hundreds of Christians who would readily admit their own sinfulness. Let's start letting the world know the truth. We are broken. We need Him.

For the past 12 months since I graduated school, I have been using my student ID like I was still in school. I justified it because I still have student loans. I figured that if I was still paying student loans, I should be able to use my student ID. This is blatant stealing and I was convicted of this the other day when I bought tickets at The Rave for The Avengers. I used my student ID, took a picture of it and tweeted it.
As soon as it became public, I realized how I had lying to myself. I drove back to the theater to pay for the tickets. I will no longer be using my student ID. 

The point of this is for me to let you into my world a little bit more. To open myself up to you and trust you with my struggle. To let you know more about the flesh that I wrestle against. 

I am not expecting you to open up this much with me or make it public. But, I am challenging you to be this open with somebody. Especially if you are a Christ follower. Who are you talking to about your struggles? Does your wife know? Does your husband know? Does your best friend know? Do your parents know?

When we struggle in private we are not allowing our community and network of support to keep us accountable, encourage us, relate to us, and connect to us because we have allowed them to see the real us. 

We are broken. We need Him. We should desire to be authentic with others so we can become more like Him.


Has hypocrisy kept you from opening up with someone?

Who do you trust enough to be transparent with?

When was the last time you felt uncomfortable talking about a struggle with somebody? (Those are usually the times of greatest growth)