If you are reading this and you were not at gracespring
Bible Church this past Sunday to hear me speak, you will want to read this post to help you make sense of it all.
Learning Method #1: Inform
· Resources:
§ Biblegateway.com – Great way to read the Bible
while on a break at work or home.
thegospelcoalition.com – Great catalog of blogs,
sermons, and articles.
gotquestions.org – Awesome website that has an app
as well. I agree with 95% of their conclusions, as always, read with

– One of the coolest Bible reading options EVER developed!
iPhone and Android Apps
– Bible available on your phone. Includes reading plans, audio Bible, and
personal profiles to track your progress.
GoBible – dramatized reading of the Bible
Glo Bible – Yes it’s different than GoBible,
this one will cost a pretty penny, but great for more in depth study.
iDisciple – I actually don’t know if this
exists, but it’d be sweet if it did!
Essentials by Greg Ogden – I read this with Scott McCloughan and used it with a
few of my disciples.
Crazy Love – Great book about learning how to
love others by Francis Chan
Building a Culture of Discipleship by Mike Breen
– This is written for church leaders, but the first part of the book is phenomenal
for anybody and it’s what a lot of my lesson was based on.
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller – Life changing book about
writing a better story for God’s glory.
Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller – Must read for
anybody under 35.
The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller – Beth and
I are reading this together right now and it has been a tool we have used to
grow closer to Christ as a couple.
What book
has really challenged you? Comment below to share with others.
· Ideas:
Increase your Bible reading by 1 day a week or
by 5 minutes a day for the next month and then double it after that.
Buy a
journal and write out what you learn from reading the Bible, reading a blog, or
listening to a sermon online.
Pray for 5 minutes right when you wake up.
o Married Couples
reading the Bible together 10 minutes a day.
Read a chapter of a book on your own and then
discuss it together afterwards. I wrote about that experience here.
Take turns praying at meal times – simple yet
Pray with
passion and purpose for your spouse – when you pray with them! (Powerfully
intimate experience…which sometimes leads to other powerfully intimate
Create a
personal devotions time for your family – find a day or two a week when you as
a family can go off individually and do devotions. 10, 15, 30 minutes…doesn’t
matter. That part’s up to you!
Pray with your children every night before bed.
What else
do you do with your family? Comment below to share with others.
These are just a few of the resources I love and have
learned a lot from as a disciple. Most of these ideas are things that Beth and
I have done or are things that I have stolen from somewhere else.
My prayer for you this week is that you get to know God more
this week by getting more informed about Him through.
These are awesome resources, Peter! Thanks :).