Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Learning Method #2: Intertwine

As we strive to be lifelong learners of Jesus we need to be informed (read that post here), and also intertwined with other learners.

"On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding." 
- John 2:1-2

Being intertwined with other learners means that every one involved must be willing to open up their lives to someone else. You're allowing someone to come in to the house of your life and look around. You are living life together for the purpose of learning from and encouraging each other.

Below are ideas for how to intentionally intertwine your life with someone else's as an individual and as a family. 

Word of Caution: As a discipler (this is not a word…but let’s pretend it is) and as a disciple, you need to establish boundaries. Each idea below is merely a suggestion. If you are uncomfortable with people coming over to your house or traveling with you, that's totally fine.  You need to establish those boundaries early on so people understand. Some boundary areas to address are, house visits, hours spent together in a given week or month, times of day it's ok to call just to say hey, length of time together (we all have other things that need to get done). 

With that being said, I'm excited for you to live out the ideas below with others. Intertwining my life with other people has been the most enriching experience of my life. Beth and I love being part of a community of believers who are striving to honor God with their lives. 

·          Ideas for disciplers to do with disciples (man-to-man, woman-to-woman, parent-to-child):
  • Take them to get groceries with you and make their life the focus. Ask questions.
  • Have them help you with your kids.
  • Invite them to go to sports games or band concerts with you.
  • Ask them to help you out with home improvement projects - yes, they are being asked to do work, but you are intentionally taking an interest in their life and if they want to be discipled, this is part of it!
  • Do a service project in the community together. Serving together is a powerful time of bonding.
  • Go Christmas shopping together.
  • If you need to clean the house when they are over, ask them to help you. Better yet, if you are being discipled ask your discipler if there's anything you can do to help around their house if you're there.
  • Invite them to birthday parties - and throw them one!
  • Watch major sports events or favorite TV shows together.
  • Attend a local theater production together.
  • What other things are a part of your daily life that you could invite someone to do alongside of you?
    • Establish a rotation of date nights with your kids.
    • Play video games with your kids.
    • Look at the list above and choose which ones would be best to do with each of your kids.
    • Unashamedly intertwine your life with theirs - they will thank you later.
·          Communication Ideas:
  • Make sure to send an email or text before a big test, presentation, or meeting.
  • Phone call to check in every once in a while. 
  • Hand written notes of encouragement - incredibly powerful!
·          Things to do at gracepsring:
  • Join a community group together.
  • Serve in the same ministry and have a debriefing time afterwards.
  • Serve in different ministries and have a debriefing time afterwards.
  • Sit together in service.
  • Go out for lunch after service.
How are you intentionally intertwining your life  with a discipler and a disciple?

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."

- King Solomon
(Proverbs 27:17)


1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    I attend GraceSpring and want to let you know that your message this week was a blessing to me.

    I have an idea for women who might be reading this that goes along with the intertwine concept that I would like to share.

    I am trying to get as many women as possible who might be interested in being a part of a good morning girls group. The information about what it is can be found here...

    But it is basically accountability groups for women who e-mail (or something similar to that) each other once a day to say that they've done their quiet times. I am hoping to get enough people to form several groups. This is not meant to replace a community group (my husband and I are in one and I am so grateful for having this!) but as a way to connect with other women and keep each other accountable to staying in the word.

    I have posted this on the church Facebook and Fresh Followers as well.

    I am asking that anyone interested e-mail me at AshleyR.Roe@gmail.com.

    Also, I recently wrote a blog post about how this whole thing came about if anyone is interested. It is at...

    Be Blessed!

    -Ashley :-)
