Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Gift of Questions

What are you good at?

What do you love to do?

What kinds of tasks and projects get you excited?

These are questions that I have asked myself over and over again since high school. Which is evident by the fact that I changed my major four times in college. 

Some people go through life without really asking themselves these questions. The majority of people on this planet don't have the luxury of shaping their lives based on their answers to these questions. For most Americans, we can. We have the ability to shape our careers, hobbies, or lifestyles around our answers.

Answering these questions helps reveal the gifts and unique personality traits that we have been given by our heavenly Father. Once we identify our gifts, we have the opportunity and responsibility to use them to be a blessing to others. 

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
- 1 Peter 4:10

When we are given anything by our heavenly Father, we are to use that to be a blessing to others. What a great way to bless others! Doing what you love. 

I love teaching. I love studying a topic and communicating to others what I learn. When I have the opportunity to teach, I need to do my best in order to be faithful to what God has called and gifted me to do. 

I also love the phrase, 'whatever gift'. Your answers to those three questions isn't what matters, what matters is that you use those abilities and passions to show God's grace and love to others. 

How are you using what you love to do to serve others?

Have you thought about the lives that haven't been able to experience God's grace because you haven't served in your area of gifting? 

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