Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spiritual Audit: Guest Post by Michael Wiltshire

This is a guest post by Michael Wiltshire from a monthly email he sends out to the leadership volunteers in the Student Ministries Department at Gracespring. Enjoy a great word from my brother, Michael!

Taking a Spiritual Audit can help us become more mature in our awareness of ourselves as we strive to love and serve students. It may also help us become more in-tune with our spiritual journey and motivate us to growth and maturity.  

Before taking the Spiritual Audit, I would love you to enter the process by noting what exactly this process is and is not.

What a Spiritual Audit is not:

-A Spiritual Audit is not: fuel for pride.

- A Spiritual Audit is not: meant to bring about guilt.

- A Spiritual Audit is not: a set of behavioral changes that must be made.

- A Spiritual Audit is not: a measurement of your effectiveness or value.

What a Spiritual Audit is:

- A Spiritual Audit is: for progress and maturity of your spiritual self.

- A Spiritual Audit is: a way to envision potential for growth.

- A Spiritual Audit is: a way of gathering energy.

- A Spiritual Audit is: a continuing process fueled by the Spirit.
Auditing Questions.
Below is a list of ten questions. I would like to encourage you to take a moment, and prayerfully think though each one. 

1.     Am I content with who I am becoming?
2.    Does my family recognize the authenticity of my                   spirituality?

3.    Do I have a quiet center to my life?
  • [do I know how to slow down, value Sabbath, and stay present with God and others?]
4.    Have I defined my unique ministry
  • [do I seek out unique people or situations to minister to?]
5.    Is my prayer life improving?

6.    How I maintained a genuine awe of God?

7.    Is my humility genuine?

8.    Is my spiritual feeding the right diet for me?

9.  Is obedience in the small things built into my reflexes?

10.    Do I have joy? 
Remember: This is not meant to be a behavior changing exercise motivated by guilt but rather a way to find spiritual potential and energy for Spirit-led growth. My prayer is that you will find joy and strength through this process and that God will continue to use each of you in amazing ways.
Growing with you,

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