President Snow: Seneca, why do you think we have a winner?
Seneca Crane: What do you mean?
President Snow: I mean, why do we have a winner? I mean if we just wanted to intimidate the districts why not round up twenty four at random, and execute them all at one? It would be a lot faster.
[Seneca doesn't know what to reply and just looks at Snow]
President Snow: Hope.
[Seneca doesn't know what to reply and just looks at Snow]
President Snow: Hope.
Seneca Crane: Hope?
President Snow: Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is fine, as long as it's contained.
*Side Note: I love it when truths I have learned within the walls of a church are so beautifully communicated through secular culture.*
Hope. Have you ever thought about how pivotal hope is in your life? If you really stop and think about it, hope is essential for life.
If you're stuck in a job situation, hope for change keeps you going. If you're struggling with a relationship within your family, you don't give up on them because you hope for healing. When the doctor walks in a gives you bad news, hope is what makes you carry on.
The opposite is true. Lack of hope leads to fear. No hope is death. It's why suicides happen. It can be why children are abandoned. Marriages are ended. Hopelessness always lead to the death of something.
If hope is so crucial, where does it come from? How can we get more of it?
The Apostle Paul says that God is, "the source of hope" (Romans 15:13)
"And his name will be the hope of all the world.”
- Matthew 12:21
God is the supply of hope for our world. So how do we access that supply?
I am counting on the LORD; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word. - Psalm 130:5
Faith is what it all stems back to. Faith in the Lord leads to hope...
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
- Hebrews 11:1
...hope leads to a purposeful life, and purposeful life leads to love. This beautiful progression allows us to receive the love and hope God offers when we place our trust in Him.
"Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love..."
- God, spoken through the Apostle Paul
What have you given up on? Who have you given up on? How can your faith give way to hope in that situation today?
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